Saturday, September 19, 2020

180920 - Extinction Chronicles ·

My father was an excellent teacher, so i am fortunate to find examples of decency wherever i look, as long as i am mindful of my shortcomings and don’t confuse reality with my imagination - not always the easiest classrooms to keep straight. The typhoon Noul has passed, yet the one following that hasn't yet formed will likely be more fearsome and dangerous rather than less so; my good fortune for the one just past was to be in a region that mostly, but not always, embraces the perils of ecological repercussion, and a place about which one would say back in the day "has their shit together". I say repercussion because the intensity and frequency of such natural phenomenon has been exacerbated by profiteering from the peoples of the Northern hemisphere of this planet we share with 7 billion odd other human beings, and a plethora of other species - half of which have been extinguished in the last 150 years from arrogance and ignorance by our species; we homo sapiens are on track for at worst, our own extinction - or at best, near extinction within the next 150 years.

There is not a scintilla of scientific data that i can point you to for your own verification of my Wild Ass Guess (WAG), but as an idiot savant of sorts, i’d be surprised to reincarnate and find my figures too very far wrong. So tell me, how can what i know benefit you to preserve your DNA strand and make it more viable to our collective survival than the "humanlike avatar database" the merchant class is planning to upload into their "next"  generation clones¿ snarky i know; the question is do you know just how snarky? The digital wizards, before Covid-19 hobbled had their plans, were or now with greater haste, preparing an uplink - concurrent with their hypothetical projections about the “singularity,” think digital version of the “rapture” - a lot of woo-ha coming from a bunch of geek billionaire geniuses that can’t feed the overflow population they conjured using their hired legislative goons to destroy "planned parenthood" and provide fodder for their infinite growth paradise.

From where i sit, the leaders are idiots and their managers are cowards to comply with such a twisted vision of humanity's future. The only real test can be made by using the lowest common denominator, not the optimal ROI that has driven our species to the brink. Conflating HNWI with competence is more a reflection of advertising success than any functional metric that i’m aware of. Just being around those that trumpet velocity over quality or price vs pride of product are highly suspect, much less worthy of patronage. When exploiting anything: people, opportunity, resource enters into the discussion i move away and my attention is drawn to those who care about the quality of their own lives: what is meaningful, what is kind, what in the interest of the greatest good, i’m all ears, or at least the one that still works.

It’s kind of fun in a lot of ways to be at ground zero of whatever will allow our species to survive, what Paul Simon had alluded to, but i don’t think fully fathomed to be “our darkest hour.” Writing classes caution against cliche, because it saps the vitality of one’s meaning, and darkest hour is certainly something we aught not underestimate. The opposite is equally true - “darkest before that dawn” is as meaningful and full with historical foundation as “cart before the horse,” or a “fool and his money are soon parted.” We should be aware of things we discover by our own initiative, and veer as far away from the consumer-based key-stroke prompts we are addicted to. I detest the intellectual cowardice and greed that is well represented on any computer platform you peer into - twisted egos and deformed characters peeking out from behind some avatar algorithm, like a teenage boy peering into a mirror before his first date.

And the broads are no better - little is spoken about how their nesting instinct got coopted by Gucci, or that their biological imperative got subsumed by half-naked fireman making extra bucks showcasing their tits; talk about your objectification. Top off this dystopian desert with a healthy dollop of shame for anything that resembles self-love, except the photo-shopped narcissistic avatar so many strive for in this empty digital commons - myself included. I sorely miss the heart-to-heart conversations of my emerging adolescent identity, drug or alcohol induced matters not. There is much to be said for temperance and i have lived enough of my life in both states to appreciate the value of moderation; not because it was proscribed, for i find i am not the enforceable type, but by personal choice - that exhilarating moment when one accepts it is possible to have it all, but not necessary ·

jts 18/09/2020

reprinted with permission - all rights reserved

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