My father was a man of infinite aphorisms - i exaggerate, but not by much. As such it is difficult to refrain myself at times, like the beginning of essays, e.g., “Postpone short term gratification in favor of long term satisfaction” is sage advice that has been entirely winnowed from the public domain by the digital overlords imploring ever greater immediacy, regardless of it false face, while rapaciously seizing the monetized benefits of such a stampede. ‘Merican workers are the most productive workers on the planet by every metric i’m aware of, yet the disparity in CEO to worker pay is the greatest on the planet - an irrationality so much so the conman of this or any other century i’m aware of was elected by that same oppressed electorate based on his promise to “rectify” that inequality · “rectumize” is more like it.
Nor is much going to change when he is removed by his handlers for egregious looting that called too much attention to their systematic dismantling of an imperfect, but far more equatable distribution of the world’s “GDP.” Gross Domestic Product which is a bullshit name for how much a population can generate wealth for an increasingly narrow segment of that population. GDP has no relationship to the efficient distribution of food, housing, or medicine. A wiser measure of the success of any economy would be how many children are taught to read, analyze and criticize; or the capacity for any civil agency to decarcerate and inspire individuals who have not yet found ways to contribute to the commonwealth, but above all a metric for broadcasting the level of corruption and political performance of public representatives and bureaucrats similar to the tracking of sex offenders.
In short, what i am advocating a complete overthrow of the social order, with the preservation and safety of Mother Earth dictating every policy made now and ever after.
People are not widgets that can easily be replaced on a whim by a petulant manager - human beings all are complex creatures with very real requirements to perform at their optimum. Calm, loving regard is a need at the core of every human i’ve ever interacted with, even the most violent and irrational of personalities will respond to respect and honest regard for their needs. Many are wounded and are in great pain, so without a public awareness of each of our sorrows, there is no way any public servant can be expected to provide adequate service to the client which they are being paid good money to support. Severely curtail the compensation of political leaders who are being guided by avarice and sub-rosa agreements with unscrupulous entities, public or private. It is not rocket science - throw the books open to public scrutiny, most importantly the public utility known as the “internet.”
This is an electronic path that was developed using public money and then hijacked by profiteers no different than the pissant people who would charge $24 for a liter of water after a climactic tragedy - and make no mistake there will be more and more pissant people charging higher and higher prices for water after more and more climactic tragedies. What i am advocating is not an easy life for nothing, for you will not be able to achieve what i advocate without sacrifice and determination. What i can promise you is that if you harbor delusions about getting a suite in _rump tower because you stiffed your neighbor on the price of repair for his vehicle or charged the old lady down the street twice the "going rate" for the same light switch repair, it is your own throat you are cutting and Mssr _rump has already demonstrated that you are not welcome at Mar-a-lago, so where ya' gonna go mah homie¿?
The running dogs with large caches of armement are not the enemy, they honestly believe, maybe for the 1st time in their lives that there is some respect left for all that they have lost - only because they were never taught to understand how little they were respected in the 1st place? Delusion is blood sport in the land of ‘merica; the business class fought their own war amongst themselves once they had purchased the mortgage on your soul and committed you to a life of servitude. All we are witnessing is the last gasps of the war of the titans, which for all its media hype is more like the war of the pissants, based more on their paucity of purpose than their their presumed efficacy - they do not give a fuck about you, or me or anyone that cannot help them to achieve the delusion that the more wealth one owns, the more valuable that human being is. Just now the rain is coming, and my loving neighbors pointed to the sky and suggested in a language i have yet to understand, “be careful, the rain is coming.” We, all of us need to be those kind of neighbors for each other.
jts 06/09/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved
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