How to transform these chronicles from extinction to “existence chronicles”? Perhaps i just have - were it that simple · Yet, everywhere people are doing their level best with what they have to work with. The capitalists are not going to simply abandon the castle, and layoff the killers they employ to maintain order. A lot of really smart people recommend to ignore the existing system altogether and let it collapse from its own exhaustion; rather it is suggested to focus on what manner of distribution of labor best serves the greatest number clients and to develop from that premise. Helen Keller had said “the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” I am convinced that the extravagance we have been trained to ape from the ruling class’s concept of the “good life” which while lavish is ultimately self-defeating. I won’t say i’ve ever known what it is to not have to work, but i have been close enough to the uber-rich to evaluate the effect such an existence has on the individuals who advocate conspicuous consumption.
Predatory is not the word i would use to describe the character of someone who believes they are worth, not just a free ride - but “The” free ride. I’d say delusional is a more accurate description of anyone who believes in their heart that it is better to take, than to give; If not delusional, it is certainly a very limited concept of existence. Such an orientation about the miracle of life is the basis for the original “might makes right” argument which has left its bloody trail throughout human history - and not. Dominance is not the spark between man and woman which creates loving families, rather force is the breech of faith where one member of a couple exploits the other for selfish reasons - with misery and suffering its offspring. Friendship - the fraternity or sorority of our kind · where strength is shared and multiplied, while tragedy is also shared and diminished will not last ages when it is not a reciprocal relationship - no one will suffer the exploitation of one’s heart for any significant period of time. Don’t believe me, look back across the bridges you have burned and argue with them.
Conversely those who have helped you to grow through loving care are never forgotten, by years or distance - living or dead, and the joy of having lessened one burden from one friend one time can never be erased, even if the friendship has fallen by the wayside; that is a powerful dynamic. It took me many years to let go of the belief, that i was needed - the only person on the planet that needs me is myself · if i am as thoughtful toward others as i have trained myself to believe and to behave, than anyone i know has but to say “i need this,” and i will respond; maybe not in the material sense of reversing circumstances i have no control over, but in the solidarity of a willingness to work through any problem that person faces. It is not a selfish inclination that prevents me from assuming more responsibility than is mine, but love. I’d be lying through my teeth to say i have not at one time or another wanted the “high life” - that chimera of abundance one has only to peek into the ubiquitous screen from which to find examples. I have tamed my wants to a pillow to rest, and a slumber i can wake from long enough to serve anyone in need - again, as D.E. Tuppins of Detroit said so well before he died, “after me, you come first.”
But that is not all, Mr. Tuppins though he was 6 decades older than any other dancer in the makeshift workshops organized for him, imparted vaudevillian tap-dance routines to an entirely new cohort, related by nothing more than a common desire to preserve a cultural art form - that is not selfishness · that is generosity from the heart. What if the sham culture scrolling across our screens proclaiming “fame” around the next corner was attenuated to “learn what your heart loves to do, and do it.” Why is that anymore absurd a concept than “defund the pohleece” or “Refuse War” translated into lennonspeak as “War is Over¿” We are nothing more than barely animated wiggling organisms floating on a molten core of super-heated iron in orbit around a spontaneously combusted hydrogen fission mass emitting wavelengths that allow for the “carbon chain” that feeds our energy cycles to accomplish - things.
Those things you choose to accomplish are entirely within your jurisdiction. There will be no punishment for mssr. d_rumpf anymore severe than any of our own metabolic burn minus consciousness, and i choose not to wish any greater burden on those molecules of his which have been forced by time and circumstance to share close proximity with the “unexamined life” he has chosen for himself; to quote the late gr8, A. Nonymous - “not my circus, not my monkeys.” But is you want a simple explanation of how close we are to peaceful coexistence - for the past 9 months i have been plagued by “mischief” of rats - bold enough to gnaw at the wall to my bedroom and leave droppings on the porch to declare territory, little differently than jeffery bezos when he peeps into my digital traffic to exploit some impulse i may not be conscious of but may be of value to his seemingly limitless “bottom line” - rats do not like the scent of Peppermint · so much so, that with strategic use of essential peppermint oil a habitation for this particular “mischief” of rats; vacated. I guarantee humanity jeffery is no different and with the proper application of the appropriate essential oil, that same rat bastard will pull up his tent stakes and seek more propitious markets for his particular brand of “human generosity” - don’t believe me; try it yourself · lord knows there’re enough rats out there on which to experiment; go ahead ask her, she don’t lie.
jts 11/06/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved
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