Monday, October 26, 2020

251020 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Ran out of whiskey just as storm #8 is about to shed its first torrents - oh well · I have garlic, some so-so potato salad, cold pot-au-fue and some warm beer, what could go wrong. I have little ego sanctuary left to protect myself from myself and accept that the thoughts passing through my withering frame hungry for its bicycle time are entirely my own and bear no relationship to reality other than they might contain events that could inform choices i must certainly make, or not. “Tempest” is playing because i wanted to hear ‘Soon After Midnight.” I’ve thrown open all the possible ventilation, and have 2nd thoughts about that as a moisture strategy. Trying to keep the house in some order i chucked the banana peel from the morning’s oatmeal and got savaged by the black ant who’d apparently not got its fill. An interesting contrast, these micro beasts that in a nanosecond can raise welts that more resemble an emerging boil possess footprints that could easily be confused with peppercorn shavings. The neighbors are perturbed and i am sorry their friend the landlord has opted to justify her neglect for the mold on her walls by questioning my habits using the blood sport of Hoi An - gossip ·

I am sorry that it hasn’t worked out well for me here, but i don’t see how i can fit with Zukee’s digital running dogs, or the front men for _rump’s post-election loss agitation for reactionary behavior in support of “unfettered” capitalism to save the world from itself everywhere. It took me a year to begin to appreciate how many undercover Nazis are establishing a beach head here in this too cute world heritage site right at the symbolic fault line between the two fictional Viet Nam’s conjured in the minds of Kissinger, Dean Rusk and the “wunderkind” from Camelot, while poor John was looking over his shoulder for the bullet that came from on high to the right. The resulting ‘bamboo curtain’ for Southeast Asia showed clearly who was building barriers and who was building solidarity. Ho Chi Minh won the election and the results were tossed out by Dulles and his thugs who resurrected a French appointee as president of the supposed free South.

Any more these historical demarcations are of no importance for capital is fluid at the higher echelons and as Bob Dylan observed “shallow and weak” at the lower demographics - so i am sharing this why, when full 50% of the reading population does not parse the word “demographic”? Today fb fired across my bow for violating “community standards” disputing some cobbled together meme about Goebbels strategy for muting intellectuals - the claim even by the fact checkers was deemed “partly true;” the larger concern is why the behemoth billion dollar company would be quibbling and threatening me with “access” to what is a public utility for highlighting a “partly true” about a Nazi criminal responsible for distorting the same truths that the current administration is attempting to get re-elected spewing is the question. Where do you stand Zuckee, are you in or are you out - do you think buying swaths of an island state and transferring human initiative to Kurzwell’s AI henchmen in anticipation of the singularity is gonna get you some choice location in the digital intellect you fuckers are planning to upload after you have ravaged this planet ¿? what kind of monsters you - besides lacking spine or honor.

I have just found myself yoked into the violence of thought propagated by the social engineers to keep people terminally off-balance and unable to frame one peaceful thought after another. I think i’ll save that passion for the next vagina that presents itself to my voracious imagination for stimulation. Don’t worry boys, i’m old and the tempting pussy is banking on the GQ thing you got oozing out of the Gucci bags all the broads seem to believe represent real power - so kudos to your advertising wizards in subverting an entire breeding cohort to satisfying the pain of disease and death with the palliative of unending consumer appetizers. I’d laugh if i didn’t believe in my heart of hearts you were able to conjure this temptation for a dying species through the abject poverty of your souls. You’ve lived so long in the penthouse level and livery service of door to door limousines there is no anchor of responsibility to others except for how they feature in satisfying your every whim. In your mind that is power - to determine for others what they will do for you; where we part company is in my commitment to aid others in fulfilling their destiny, not mine.

I’d rather be so evolved that my prose was inclusive enough to appeal to your vanity, but those who read these daily ______ fill in the blank have excavated through mind numbing distractions to find material hopefully dealing, with the whole of our species and not just the “target demographics” your Power Point wizards use to spoon feed you bite-size ideas from which you can make incisive decisions utilizing the narrower and narrower gates humanity is herded through the Dream Machine X.O on their way to the cash register, or whatever current form for that action where you separate the earnings from the herdees for the benefit of the herders. If i was a smart man, i would take lessons from your laser-like focus and accept 1) there is no accommodating your greed. 2) you cannot be reformed. 3) your function is redundant and therefore should be eliminated. I left my megalomania at the door and so am only concerned with recognizing and amending my own defects, of which i contain, as Mr. Dylan once again said so much better, multitudes. I hope the logic of 1-3 makes sense to some enterprising reader who might begin a study group for how to accomplish that, short of any miracle - i will no plunge into my next chronicle.

jts 25/10/2020

reprinted with permission - all rights reserved


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