Wednesday, October 7, 2020

061020 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Amidst my extensive and vivid but rapidly aging memories - is an abandoned afternoon in the rain with my friend Rick Grierson · We had our selection of more than ample galoshes and WWII-informed rain gear to protect us on our walk from my house to his. I was maybe 15 and he having failed a year - a year older; we lit out like modern day Huck Finns in our adventure and spent the next 5-6 hours getting drenched to the bone in ceaseless spring or fall rain. I remember it to this day for the pure pleasure of disregarding every caution beaten into me about the danger of being exposed to the “elements.” Who knew that weather could be so fun, or that one did not melt like a “sugar cube” my sage Uruguayan poet friend would remark on our journey back to her loving renegade paramour Herr Mauch’s palace of Asado Delight - arm’s full of boxes of Tinto Rojo - if you read no further · please take a moment to concur love of that thought. 

We are all of each of us suffering distress that is too often not of our own making but always our responsibility, yet - there is no one else to fill the breech · “t’was ever thus” - Larry Golden; carpenter & artist, formerly of the Brewery artist ghetto. So why not create a late-stage-capitalist morality play of the whole charade¿? that is a question. The calvary rescue was bogus while actually committing genocide on a population that honored nothing more than that of the perpetuation of verdant and abundant land - i don’t want to be rescued by the calvarly · i don’t want you to rescue me, unless you come with love in your heart to listen to the last efforts toward compassion from me that i have in my heart for you and yours.

I do not surrender to anything but a loving conclusion to all that i have witnessed - the destruction and gratuitous grab by a handful of MT souls of more than they could ever make good use of for no other reason than to delineate the perimeters of their emptiness. Why they lacked the courage to come and ask me, i may die never knowing. You have nothing if you cannot give all - each gesture toward the wellbeing of another is a judgement call · the same for me as it is for you, only i have little to give and want to give all, even to the ruling class. How is that for a conundrum - after stealing everything from everyone; now my soul is debating giving to you what i have and you do not?

I am now inundated by rain and listening to songs by a foreign icon - a friend i’ve never met but, but whom i remain more loyal to than many i’ve met demanding much less. I feel close to death which is a reality so many i’ve met would evade without ever confronting the lack of actually living through something as miraculous as this unexplained presence in a world full with paradox - why do you listen to what i, a hated invader who may love you more than i might those from whence i came · what message do i bring that is indecipherable by the lords of meaning?

More importantly, how can my failures as a human contribute to a successful outcome for you and yours when nothing that my culture has ever rendered you is misery and pain¿ it is a fair question worthy of response by the wisest amongst you that may still count me as enemy. I am sorry for all that my culture has presumed on your history - it was never of my making once i learned how shallow is the ambition of greedy small people invading your world for nothing more than profit. But it is now in your lap to intervene and interrupt stupidity toward, not just your noble culture, but all those that would destroy our planet to gain a few more “dollops” of gold to accompany them to their doom.

jts 06/10/2020

reprinted with permission - all rights reserved


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