I am in the midst of a deluge listening to the once cherished sound of rain that now threatens friends of mine with an interminable syncopation representing flood and destruction. It is difficult to explain to those i love that they must adjust or die to this incessant reality, for no other reason than every item i can learn from says, it, the velocity of rain will only increase; and any peaceful future is in accommodating and working with that unpalatable reality - these my friends who had been seduced by the corporate siren song of unrelenting profit from inexhaustible resources based on some fiction of an “infinite growth” paradigm conceived by parasites counting on a herd mentality of greed at the expense of all they, my friends, hold noble and true from stories passed down from generation to generation - interrupted now by the conceit of a digital whore pulling down billions to yoke wrists to compelling algorithmically induced keystrokes.
Fuck you, ya’ pissant cowards unwilling to include into the digital lexicon the entirely legitimate expression - pissant · I spit on your aspirations of social engineering and defy your myopic conceit of herding humanity to some killing floor of existential control. You may still hold the reigns of who reads what i write, and even tempt intellectual cowards to report to you my seditious remarks and writings on an ongoing basis · and i expectorate more, i’d do it in your faces if you possessed gonads capable (gonad, being an entirely gender neutral word) of confronting my continued contempt for your cowardice, yet as Sun Yet-Sen would advocate - leaving you a path of retreat. · lay down your arms and go in peace.
Join the inevitable link of DNA that is not yoked to your delusion of control over a population you do not understand and therefore cannot manipulate. People are not “money” and the more you can fool is not equal to the amount of money you can spend. You are said to be “educated” but from where i sit you are simply conned, no differently than the fool who returns to the shell game looking for someplace that doesn’t exist - good faith from the con · And it is not your fault, you would not practice such an empty occupation if you hadn’t been fooled so thoroughly as to believe the person, or belief that conned you originally was not somehow: wiser, stronger or more worthwhile than your own applied weakness. Look to your interior - if you find someone that you believe has your interest more at heart than your own · they are bullshitting you into believing them not only more powerful than you, but that you somehow require them for your success: how fucking stupid it that ¿?
Don’t think for a minute i am laughing with you, i am not; i am laughing at you, just as they do the minute they take possession of your own better opinion of your own self-worth. If you wanted to claim yourself amongst my trusted advisors and declared out of the gate: “listen to me because your own thinking is flawed, i would have to eliminate you from the sacred inner sanctum out of hand. I do not wish to be surrounded by persons who feel me so stupid that i could not fathom “reality” without their help. I grew up with that “con” and find myself digging daily to be free of the belief that each person i meet is wiser, more interested in my welfare and more capable of taking care of me, than myself - fuck you and the horse you rode in on ·
The reciprocal is as equally true; if i engage another as i have a woman i still do not fully appreciate nor understand well enough to declare my love for: were i to listen more to my fear-based opinion that i know best, i would be unable to appreciate the grace she has shown me by listening however difficultly to what i say. Now at least i can, like some small plant with tender roots, learn to listen to her as she has, through simple logic and discipline demonstrated superior reason. This education is scary, because to accomplish this she has insulted me, thrown me off balance and neglected the scarred wounded child i shield daily from further abuse. But as long as i believe that her interest is in growth and better understanding of correct living, i will carefully pay attention to her, odd and often difficult to follow indications of learning while paying attention to personal truths that i have allowed to be blunted by pain in my heart that she seems to perceive but not give much weight to - somehow seeing something more worthwhile in the skein of my peculiar soul than pity · thank you dame, whoever the fuck you are and wherever ye be. Please reveal yourself while i can still see ·
jts 17/10/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved
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