Today i posited on fb that _rump is faking the virus simply to evade prosecution - the greater reality is that the digital overlords and their thug AI algorithms that determine who sees what on your “newsfeed” will never allow that post to see the light of day (Michael Moore conjectured the same the following day) · It is not each other we struggle with any longer, but the wraiths and demons conjured up on our screens by unscrupulous but highly indoctrinated and well compensated geeks. Don’t believe me, ask Julian Assange who is about to be murdered no differently than the pedophile procurer to the rich and famous, Jeffery Epstein. Each was in a position and willing to betray sordid details about the extent that you are dominated by cowards unwilling and unable to argue their positions, because they don’t care what you think or feel - they don’t feel they have to.
Until human beings resist the further slaughter than the 3/4 of the other species with whom we once shared this miraculous moist blue lit sphere in the nether regions of a universe full with what they've only been able to describe thus fare as being comprised of “dark matter,” you haven’t got a hope in hell of fulfilling much more than an empty existence punctuated by moments of visceral delight that have cost you more than you will make in a lifetime, much less in the 40 hours of weekly servitude you shackle yourselves to for a “kiss and a promise,” don’t believe me - look at your bills · then look at your paycheck. My family lived “on the square” or as a broker i once served described as dealing with both hands on the table - popular Wild West allusions mostly fall short of picturing at any deep level, like the insult of being called a “tin horn” which is to say that your horns will crumple like tin should you ever really want to gore someone.
These allusions to power and strength fall short of the human’s innate capacity to rise to the occasion. Mahatma Gandhi a man with a dubious loyalty to all the oppressed in the world, but lauded for his leveraging one colonial oppressor from the scene so that the Hindu caste system could more completely decimate the Dalit “Untouchables” and their equally legitimate quest for liberation that has simply given way to _rump’s homie Modi who has no more qualms about obliterating the Dalits than Bolsinero has of murdering the rain forests on behalf of the fast food industry to provide Palm Oil and industrial level bovine flesh to the corporate slough that is used in the post-industrial Pre-Soylent Green era of our mutual climate demise. Talk about your tin horns. These fuckers don’t possess the gonads to come out and describe what they are doing to you and your family - they pass that tax-deductible expense along through to the “Ad Men” tasked with making poison, not just palatable but addictive.
Hysterical you might mutter to yourself, if you’ve managed to choke down your star-spangled bile this far into this essay - nightmarish in its own way as the “bell that cannot be unrung,” for anyone capable of parsing such arcane prose or comprehending the grammatical logic of considered rhetoric - is also likely of the ilk that shops organic, drives tesla vehicles, contributes to “quell the mayhem in yemen” and all other manner of hipster doofus cognitive dissonance that allows a $500k salary to drive past the homeless despair that is getting harder and harder to evade by route, but soon will have an app for navigating the more lethal districts until such time the corporate compounds are entirely self-contained and you can live within the castle walls like the vassals you be and your computer controlled environments protect you from - that is everything but yourselves.
I no longer feel threatened by my deeper intentions - as erotic, and impassioned and egocentric as they have been · i find the longer i dwell with the beast i’ve been raised to fear, my self; the more i prefer it to the vagaries and empty loyalties i’ve encountered in my travels. Whatever is the shape of my existence is less vile and more loving than the assertions of those who would condemn me, or more accurately, condemn my back. Few people anymore will come right out and say to your face - "you are a fuck, and these are the reasons why . .." · More importantly is all the loving kindness from others that i have fought off for having felt myself unworthy based on vain and short-sided reasons that others will have to deal with here on out, i don’t see it. The avatar of a person in front of you on your screen is correctible to a fault, as long as you have your ducks in a row and respond to what it is, and will articulate what it is i am guilty of rather than vacuous positioning to enforce some concept you are too frightened to assert or play on what you may perceive as my excessive sensibilities - they are that indeed, but only in service of our mutual pleasure · so, by all means get at it, or get gone; time’s a wasting and we all be dying until someone shouts loud enough - LET US FUCKING LIVE · i’ll be there, if not in the flesh, at least in spirit.
jts 04/10/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved
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