Metacognition is the ability to think about your thinking - sort of like a gateway to the breakdown of the ego · until you have a way to witness your own processes it is impossible to exert control, or lack thereof on one’s behavior. Simplicity is the topic i wish to pursue today and by having stated that, i can now monitor how closely this stream-of-consciousness experiment of mine hews to that vein. With regards simplicity, if you don’t write, you have nothing to edit, and the threads of your thinking simply evaporate over time. Whereas, by design i pick a time and build my day around that schedule to expunge my doubts, pain, fear and fantasy into letters on a page building words that hopefully create sentences of cogent thinking - so goes the theory. Age, fatigue, love, psychoactive substance all clamor for a role in this revelatory effort, and like any good batter of cake mix it depends on how the shit rises whether others will enjoy the repast or spit it out behind your attentive back.
For those tuning in - parts of the previous paragraph are what could be described as metaphor · a superficially facile concept which when it works is a nearly transparent vehicle for instant understanding, but when handled ham-fisted, creates hokum like what we all hear in the relentless hipster-doofus media. We all know what it is like to sit next to someone in close conversation that elicits a ping-pong effect of comprehension; sometimes it lasts for hours or years, and sometimes it is for no more than an instant of understanding in a lifetime of solitude, but an instant that is worth everything. Simplicity dictates our wiggling frames of protoplasm want little more than to be happy - lucky us · the corporate overlords have hijacked this simple metric and yoked to their pathetic engine of profit for the few, FUCK YOU.
And i mean that as the anti-royalist Australians i’ve been privileged to serve with might say “in the nicest possible way”. This is not international combat against some invading force - what we face is treason within the ranks of our species. We, humanity - all of humanity are fighting an agency that cares nothing about our future and everything about an instant of comfort that might be found on the pillow of an ocean going Yacht pieced together with the skins of human beings it has trampled upon on a bizarre effort to “have more than others”; i’m sorry but even in the most scurrilous nightmares of my wannabe proletariate family can i find a more treacherous segment of the population than those who propagate - “let us all get rich” when only but the dumbest amongst us understand there are no riches but the unbidden love of friend, family and history.
Who’s kidding who? you buy a plastic bag - where the fuck do you think it is going to go · do you once think for a moment the riches you are creating are for some mook in an air conditioned office feeding off the poison your children will pay for with cancer and endocrine illness that that same mook is going to profit from because he/she owns and ownership interest in the medical facility you must take your loved ones to because the medical industry owns the cures for the poisons you feed to yourself and your family - that is a question? Nobody likes being played for stupid - i know i don’t · but i cannot blame you for stupid choices i have made in service of my own greed, that is my problem and something i will have to die looking at.
However if i make no effort to alert those who follow in our weirder and weirder continuum then there would be then as now - no place to hide · You are my brothers and sisters, though those of my blood branch would deny my existence, i cannot give a fuck about their vanity any longer than i can accept your silly posturing for prominence at a time when billions are in jeopardy - not just your dog, your ma, or your husband. We have no one to blame but ourselves for this havoc we have created; the good news is there is no one else but ourselves who will save us. You do your best by the next person you meet in your travels and you will have rendered all of our species a blessing. I cannot think of anything more empowering than that simple fact; you are in complete control of the future of the entire human race on our planet - what a happy thought · go get ‘em tigers
jts 08/07/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved