All Hallows Eve - oh boy · this should be interesting, if i could just get this mask of kindness off and be my plain old really scary self. You think i’m kidding - the table i write at in my rain-soaked mold stinking boutique (fake) Villa within a World Heritage Site there are many i’m sure i cross paths with but repeal away from me like a Small Pox infected “injun” from the Gr8 Plains after the buffalo slaughter & i’m not entirely sure why. As a dual-eyed cyclops from birth, i’m more than accustomed to people backing away from my gaze since birth, but this crusty scarred maniac in their midst suspects it is my utter contempt for their conceit to turn an ancient community into the 21st Century Côte d’Azur for Southeast Asia, replete with castles on the coastline and a well-trained servant class convinced that the next rung on the capitalist ladder from servant to "lord of the manor" will be “Entrepreneur 1st Class” just as the hoards of aerospace workers from my generation were persuaded that as soon as they finished building weapons, they would gain research positions in Astro-Physics that would make Richard Feynnman proud.
The allusion to a castle on the central coast is no joke, and with anyone capable of simple financial research devoid of wishful thinking will find the massive capitalization in Viet Nam benefits a handful of colonialists as has been the “boilerplate” of occupation throughout the world - I will likely be expelled for such counter-revolutionary observations, but i would rather die in a gutter in some foreign land than allow the smarmy conceit that claps for herr _rumpf clap anywhere else but the Harley Hog’s Head death camps of Sturgis South Dakota, and the 462,000 super-spreaders of hate, pestilence and death; i mean that as my dearest Aussie friends immune to the arrogance and hubris of a cartoonish conceit fashioned in the clone factories of Stephen Miller’s hate mills might say - “in the nicest possible way” ·
How sad for the too rich born and too stupid digital doofuses lost on the “wrong side” of history for all their arrogant fantasies about “social engineering” fueled by unscaled wealth lacking “real world collateral,” such as values, empathy, history or self-awareness. “Pride goeth before the fall,” in biblical spades. Just like the charlatans of ancient times with a little chemistry under their belt able to bend the faith of the “great unwashed”, you cling to your surveillance conceits like pathways of escape for the rats scampering down the chain of a sinking ship. Your “zeroes and ones” are all for naught and the empty place in your heart is like a bull’s eye on the target of existential survival - “Love is the only engine of survival” ·
Get a fucking clue, you’ve lost - the boot George quoted about on the face of man was as much a caution to humanity as a road map for your peculiar concept of a future of opulence for a handful; and depravation for billions - how fucking stupid can you get, or is it arrogance that made you believe your vision of hoards of humans lined up to provide you votes, cash, pussy, drugs - even forgiveness for your deceit and dishonesty is something you’ll need to take up with those that presumed to teach you manners when they themselves, had no clue. Come and see me if you possess the gonads to face a fierce and honest repartee, rather than the covert manipulation that narcissists cling to for confirmation of a mythical power born of no more than petulance and whining.
We are entering the late stage of capitalism and you are on the wrong side; you lack perception and intelligence adequate to guide the last vestige of our kind to anything that resembles sanctuary, and though i’d prefer to spit than laugh - laughter at your fatuous ignorance and pathetic weakness is all that is left to this weary voice · you obviously possess nothing that resembles gumption, valor or whiskers enough to face the mayhem you have wrought without the aid of your trusty slut AI - good luck with that. When i am laying naked and happy with the last woman on earth who has taken pity on my unredeemable soul and your are, as Spiro T. Agnew learned to do “twisting in the wind,” by training and by determination, i will wish you Bon Voyage, because that is how i was raised - ciao baby ·
jts 31/10/2020 all rights reserved
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