Friday the 13th 2020 - who knew, who cares · the brat is holed up in the “people’s house” the “white” people’s house built by black people, who built if for free, because they were not. Is it just me, or is that fraught with irony¿? There is a lot that is not being said right about now - like what of the gazillions of $ ripped off from the population · they way the turncoat 4th estate describes in benign terms, it’s some sort of magic nest egg sitting in offshore accounts gathering interest with which to fly to and from Davos, or invest in sleepy little farming hamlets in a formerly war torn nation, like where i live. I used to fancy myself fairly insightful, a common enough delusion for anyone with 3 marriages under their belt, or skirt as the case may be. But it has taken me a full year+ to understand just how republican is the influence where i live in a South East Asian nation - Very.
And just like my marriages, i got no one to blame but myself. What Bertrand Russell advocated makes a whole lot more sense just now, than before i arrived. “When you must decide about something, consider only the facts - not what you wish it to be, not what others describe; base your decisions solely on the facts” paraphrasing Sir Bertrand Russell. Where i live is about to encounter the 13th typhoon of the “wet season” and the money flowing into the region does not align with it’s historical economic base, agriculture and trade. Trade in the 2020s is not trade of the 1920s - at that time a foreign merchant would bring a commodity, an industry or deliver an available market and seek equitable exchange, often at an unfair advantage to one or both parties - sometimes oppressively so.
But there was recourse - revolution, boycott or war · none of those options are available any longer. Trade in the conventional sense does not exist, customer is no longer “king” just one more integer in some algorithm to be attenuated over cocktails attended to by the latest cadre of interns slitting each other’s throat for a slot on “Apprentice 2024.” We are being herded by digital cowboys to a slaughter house of ideas. Human beings are perceived by the ruling class as ATM machines wherein a steady stream of media hype is vomited out of the magic screen and ipso facto votes are cast, cars are bought and as the man said “consent is manufactured.” This is a very modern state of affairs; even just 100 years ago wars were fought eyeball to eyeball and aerial bombing was a recent innovation. The bulk of the battles were fought from trenches with men drawing a bead on one another and pulling the trigger.
The innovations in science represented independent thinking built upon bricks of reason stacked up over the ages. The leaps that were made were not tweaks in an application, but concepts built from the ground up. Today, the curious have access to vast amounts of data, but that data is now catalogued with access guided by an algorithm as narrow as frequency channels of old time Television; you can switch channels, but what you see is almost entirely dependent on who or what money is producing the “show.” It is the same thing for elections, in every election for the past number of decades, the president elected was based on the money spent by that candidate. It is extremely dangerous to freedom everywhere for the population to conceive the excessive wealth distribution is simply one of opulence vs envy - John J. Gould said famously at the turn of the last century, “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
It is that now in spades. There are wannabe gangster thugs spending untold money spray painting what they’d like to believe are revolutionary designs, but are little more than diversion of otherwise valuable intellectual resource on masturbatory secrets like the whispers between prepubescent teems who have yet to get to the nitty gritty of fitting the parts together, much less how to raise a solid human being in an environment free from toxic waste, toxic information, toxic food and toxic air. Nor do i see a path out anytime soon with the villains simply swapping uniforms and the producers swapping sets as easily as some of us change underwear but still soil our clothing because that is the nature of living; like Bob Dylan said, “leaving a greasy trail.”
jts 13/11/2020
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