I’m going to drink early, and drink early - a Pomelo Growler from Pasteur House Brewing Company · i confide this with you because it is contrary to my best intention when i finished writing yesterday and posted. When i went back in the middle of the night to read the day’s labor i found the writing to be flabby and verbose - big words replacing clarity and candor. I would much rather have In Vino Veritas than market ready prose any day. Damn this Pomelo IPA is quite fine. Did you know that in 16th century England they preferred beer to water for the process rendered of brewing beer rendered the beverage pure compared to the water available at that time - sort of like Flint Michigan. The difference is that in today’s ‘merica a president is successfully serving up a cultural Kool-aid Jim Jones could only but admire. What is sad to me is that Michigan is also the epicenter of the progressive educational system that drove much of ‘merica’s period of enlightenment guided by John Dewey’s pragmatic approach to learning. Don’t believe me - look it up for yourself.
Now i will order an English meal from one establishment for tomorrow, and a ‘merican burgers for myself and others (local friends) if it works. I like trying to connect the dots that people won’t normally entertain, always have - though it has gotten me into more difficulty than any real good shit that abandon might have yielded. Fuck it - whaddya gonna do ¿ - “it is the habit of men to quit just before success” - Lao Tzu ? So the computer so widely reported as friend to man - just now took 2 solid hours of fb text to order 1 hamburger for myself and two hamburgers for my friends · given they are at another address and there is the language barrier, but lord have mercy we have placed the future of our species in the lap of this efficiency expert and it has yet to do after 2 hours what a simple conversation would accomplish in 5 minutes, language barrier or no. When we factor in age, gender and political blindspots it is a small wonder we are still treading water - which for the coastal communities of our planet is all they can look forward to.
Nor am i complaining - others may describe my oblique approach to communicating as whimper, whinge or outright whining · again FUCK YOU. I see damn few willing to look at the facts, much less take steps to help those around them, except for that popular refrain “look at me - look at what i have done” I do not want you to know what my dharma strategy is, not because i doubt your sincerity, which i do (my defect, not yours) but because i believe what the Bhagavad Gita said “The secret of human freedom is to act well without attachment to the results” My father for all his domination and ungentle ways, i believe wanted me to be free in the highest meaning that he could gather - he was a scholar of the nondescript type · fervent and relentless, i am only a son of 3, middle though that be with a sister above - oh well. My skin is about to rot about my flesh and my mind to collapse like a withered nut within a hard shell, yet i would have you believe there is a better life than what you are being forced fed like a gaggle of geese yielding Foie Gras to some medieval banquet does “Blade Runner”
Clueless joe has come out and declared war on pot as a “gateway” drug while sea levels are rising; a virus is laying bear the perfidy of a healthcare system bending ‘mericans over the profit table and a tally of desire that gives 1,000,000,ooo yeses to 5 empty suits, and then ignores 1,000,000,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo no’s because they lack introductions. Again, FUCK YOU - i don’t ask your concordance, confirmation, or commiseration; what i demand is that you peer into your own history and future and ask whether you have done all that you can to relive those you know and wish to know of suffering. Nor do i necessarily give a rat’s ass if you do or don’t; sadly i’m pretty sure you are only tuned in at this point of the narrative whether you are named or indicated in terms of notoriety, for that is how you have been “tuned” willingly or not by the lean forward click bait technology of those whose self indulgent bells and whistles have driven this feckless herd of ours to the precipice of doom.
Now i await news of whether it was possible to arrange a foreign meal of dubious want for friends i have only just made - i am past the 2 liter mark for bia; it was outstanding and i am now plumbing my heart for salacious tidbits that might aid you the reader in focusing on our inexorable calamity. To give you an idea how mean my kindly father was at his core when asked about “our collective future” his go-to remark about “going down the road” was “man am i glad i’m old.” For the younger arrogant members of our audience this aside may seem unimportant, yet for me as your guide, it carves divets into my soul to know there is so little i can do to protect you. Just now on my I tunes library Art Intel is sharing BD’s lay across my big brass bed, so few of you understand how poignant these lyrics are it saps my will - sort of. You will have to find ways to discern fake from fact - who gives a fuck about your future against your myopic fantasy about your everlasting glory, you are dead - your grandchildren are dead and you handed their future to them without pity; i spit on your vanity and applaud all the steps you have taken to allow something resembling peace to those who manage to follow your mangled conceit.
With much love and pity . .. ··· your former and future friend
jts 18/04/2020
http://stoanartst.blogspot.com se
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved
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