I don’t know what to make of “experts” - either they are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet or the smartest · i’d be working with someone else’s painter’s corner. I'd not have survived my 1st year of life without expertise, and that is about the nicest thing i can say about the silly ass notion anyone could be an expert. I contracted pneumonia before my 12th month; whether i survived from a Doctor’s expertise or a Nurse’s common sense is anybody’s guess - today i’m banking on the nurse; Doctors are the ones who developed the Covid-19 virus in vitro, and who were responsible for its escape into the general population. Dr. Fauci, bless his existential confusion is intimately related to the “weaponizing” of viral matter, just as the Doctors of Psychology were intimately related to weaponizing Psychology at Guantanamo Bay under the guise of protecting democracy.
Leonardo da Vinci designed a tank, and took 4 years to paint the Gioconda (Mona Lisa). Artists today do not use his example for creating art; instead they refer to Henry Ford’s assembly line logic and glom onto Alla Prima painting as recourse for the insatiable demand for “sound aesthetic investments” by the HNWI art industrialists for valuable creativity - all from the wise counsel of “experts.” I’d slit my wrists and paint my own demise a la Jaques Louis David, because that is how the story was told during my art training - rather than his having been murdered by an agent of the Royalists as it happened · however, i’d be wasting good blood after bad, so live to fight another day. Whether i dare to intrude into the effete clime of the “jeffery koons” of our superheated Art Basil funded fine art glut rivaling the plunder by Adolph’s fit of pique at never being recognized, we’ll never know.
What i do know is the joy of abandonment to creativity that is not only discouraged by the art industrialists, but actively opposed. Marcel Duchamp identified the corruption of art early in his creative life and mocked modern art's “flatness” and its commensurate economy to the time consuming modeling that 3-dimensional depiction required when he painted his “nude descending a staircase” and further chastised the opportunistic thrust of modern art to mimic “time saving” economic models with his “Bride Stripped Bare of her Bachelors” - work that was executed by the patient, however bizarre at the time, application of dust gathering on plate glass within his studio confines - little different than da Vinci advancing the radical notion that images be gathered by the careful observation of stains on a wall ·
But Leonardo was a radical and there are apocryphal stories in Vasari’s - “Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects” wherein it was described that Mr. da Vinci would invite the personages of his time to his studio for a “viewing” during which he would proceed to step on bellows attached to stitched together pig bladders that would expand relentlessly pressing the gathered dignitaries into a corner, much i’m sure to their collective chagrin - if the egos of today’s important dignitaries are any indication - little has changed, except maybe the willingness of the artist class to articulate independence from those who would “forswear” patronage while simultaneously stipulating more and more what is and what is not permissible using nothing more than the hook of “greed.”
Fuck your greed - our species is being murdered by your creative cowardice - artist and patron alike. Your willing acquiescence to the dictates of the monied class disgusts me and motivates me hopefully through to my demise. A young friend i loved, but who presumed to seize my voice in a “film” about my work has not forgiven me for the transgression of mocking his presumption that his storyline would take precedence over my reality rankles him still - i rue the loss of that type of closeness, but willingly sacrifice the sanctity of a loving friendship to the truth which i wish to die with - i did my best and said that as clearly as i know how without help or permission from anyone or any agency · May we all arrive at such resolve about our destinies, not because they represent expertise, but because they depict us honestly.
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