It has taken me 66 years to be able to distinguish hatred from anger - i’m emotionally retarded like that · The home i grew up in was full of both, so it is natural that these two vastly different sentiments became indistinguishable from each other, like so much else in my visually challenged existence. Ma is repulsed by many things other than her 3rd child, me. That in sanskrit is the root of hatred - to aver, (sort of like apple disavowing the spelling of “sanskrit” as a word in its lexicon). One of my earlier memories is her standing at the doorway muttering about “Abbot and Costello” - a late stage vaudevillian comedy team trotted out by the early media overlords as crossover entertainment · “I hate them.” What do you do with such an inexplicable opinion; how could anyone detest “who’s on first, what’s on second,” especially if it is one’s own mother the giver and taker of all good things in the world¿ To this day, it is difficult for me to enjoy the A&B schtick, without a twinge of guilt; that is sick.
When you multiply such passing influence on the minds of the billions of impressionable minds gazing into their surrogate parent - that borrowed handset, one can begin to see the danger of abdicating the development of what C.G. Jung described as the “collective unconscious” to a gaggle of post-pubescent computer billionaires tasked with the dubious technology of teasing keystrokes from formative and naturally curious minds based on the illegal and intrusive data capture demanded by their managers and the merchants of social engineering profiteering by the subornation of the human soul - do i exaggerate · i think not. Based only on the sleight and filtered number of thinking humans that will be allowed to read this now federally vetted text, much less on the highly scrutinized profiles of those who might be pre-disposed to object, much less able to critically analyze and act on any logic found herein.
Paranoid, maybe; caring who could tell in this intellectually sterile world where 200,000 human lives are sacrificed on the alter of political correctness deformed beyond all measure with nary a peep from what had once been lauded as the “4th Estate,” a bulwark for human freedom now so compromised as to constitute a career path to “white house spokesman.” And the "maybe new 'blue' administration is now in the process of “kiting” names for a new “chief of staff” so confident are they that their outsider candidacy will be confirmed by a population reeling from police assassinations and legislative manipulation of the democratic process as to be numb to anything resembling “voice of the people.”
How are we to survive such self-serving manipulation of the the human spirit at a time when “all hands on deck” is the only reasonable call to our species¿ Who is a captain that can be trusted to guide the aged and infirm to safety, when the leaders are trumpeting “death to all who oppose ‘us’,” whoever the us is that the corporate sponsors have designated as the enemy? Wherein lies the spirit of question¿ who maintains the stockade of honesty within our ranks if it is not each of everyone one of us? How can the initiative of personal agency be seized back from a platform of uniformity dictated by whomever is manning the “message” switch at the corporate choke point of human consciousness¿ i apologize that i do not have an answer for you, but feel better going to my doom, giving you nothing but questions, where those who would murder you for profit give you nothing but answers.
I do not wish to engage in this fray, except to broadcast my position in solidarity with those voices of dissent. The gazillions of moolah that have been harbored in offshore accounts, sifted from the sweat of every working person on the planet buys a lot of friends - those who sell themselves cheap can count themselves as my enemies; and i am not afraid, for just like the cowardice of your employers to hide their purpose behind subterfuge and dishonesty, so to do they declare their allegiance to the agents of greed and deny themselves any solidarity with decency and the sacred purpose of supporting all of humanity for survival rather than licking the boots of the very rich doormen at the gates of HNWI hiding their excesses in some fantasy of evading a meaningless life behind the opulence of purchased cowardice.
jts 23/09/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved