Saturday, December 26, 2020

261220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Just for the perverse fuck of it, i sit upstairs in a new venue on "Boxing Day." I wanted to sample the effect atmosphere has on my digits and language - the wine and meal, though more expensive did not translate into finer quality · that is not a complaint, it is the cost of exploration. The real cost, though is to the proprietor for losing a customer. How fucking sad that our human experience is parsed by profit into - get in, get out, how many tables can i fill? not, who are you - what do you do, what are you searching for in this “valle lacrymarum”?, etc., etc., questions of the "King Customer" that used to be commonplace, but with rare exceptions are now subsumed into some twisted corporate notion that there is a “lingua franca” for customer service - a one size fits all. The roast i’m sure was succulent when the owner tasted it, but by the time i gnawed on it, was tough as shoe leather. Initially when asked by the server, "how was your meal,?" i made with the zipper across my mouth; yet when the poor man responsible for serving the “ideal portion” upon which his job depended, i advised him to practice what his native skill had taught him about serving tender meat · it is more certain to me daily that i am going to “hell.”

Ironically in the hapless holiday workers haste to create a “foreign” ambience, Bob Dylan’s xmas album was put on a loop, something not dissimilar to fingernails on the old style chalkboard. It is this sort of stricture that is choking the human experience from our collective enjoyment, employees deprived of personal initiative in service of the god of profit sucks every inclination at exploration or having fun from the working experience. This is only more so amplified in a city which has banked its entire wherewithal on a restaurant economy. So you now have the foreign owned eateries catering to a captive demographic of 1,000 foreig-born appetites within a population of 800,00o locals possessing a culinary expertise 600 years old within a culture 3,000+ years old and the two cannot communicate, because each is waiting for the flood gates of tourism to open and magically free up the mighty god of profit which caused this myopic lack of communication in the first place.

I am an interloper and it may there is no place on the planet the digital overlords will allow my voice to be heard. They are a cowardly lot hiding inside the "push technology of texting tribes and fb cliques they don’t possess the hair on their faces to own up to, rather sending their Artificial Intelligence (AI) thug to front for them. I could give a fuck and accept that i am an anachronism within a paradigm being overlaid on a dying planet. I spit on the narrow thinking of that paradigm and those who dare not confront my spoken word, much less allow my written word the light of day. Still, like the ancient “voice in the wilderness” i have no choice if i mean to die with my eyes wide open; my ears unplugged with my mouth shut but to press on. I can feel the hell hounds at my hells even with the short ride i took today under the last of the evaporating cloud cover - the heat of the coming summer could be felt as clear as your hand next to a toaster while reaching for cooked bread on a brisk morning.

Come this summer, i do not want to be where i am; i did not want to be where i am after the first rain; i do not want to go where i have slated myself to move and so am stuck in the great in between. Or not stuck, but patiently waiting for that ineffable indication of direction the universe gives those who listen. I have for too long believed that destination is someplace i can pick, not much different than the fictional belief i can pick who to care for or be cared for by. The problem with trying to support this restaurant dense community, i have one stomach and prefer my own cooking, so when i do go out, it tends to be in well-worn paths. For too long i’d given that behavior a negative weight, but now am trying to accept it as part of the unique makeup of my repertoire of responses to my world.

Like writing, if i knew what i was going to write, that might make it more simple to work each day - just sit down and execute the words · I do not know what is to come out of my mind onto what in another time might have been described as “paper,” but now can only be conceived of as aether. If i had my way i’d just sit and visit with others, but so few are comfortable in that exploratory give and take between souls that occasions for deep communication become more and more rare. The challenge is of course coming to grips with my responsibility for that dearth of human exchange. It wasn’t until recently that someone i loved platonically for a long time, only to discover i could not share a house with until after i had moved back in many years later - asked during one of our many conversations, which i highly valued, if i was aware that people might be afraid of me. Since i was a frightened man-child in the streets of NYC trying to affect “scary,” it had not occurred to me. However, many decades later walking through certain neighborhoods of East L.A. when youths no longer gave way to my stride did i understand that demeanor is as fungible as clarity - where before i could not frame a simple clear sentence, i now grip ideas as though my life depended on it, and where once i’d have never ceded ground, i routinely veer out of the way · go figure. 

jts 26/12/2020 

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Friday, December 25, 2020

251220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Christmas day in Viet Nam - what can i say that would warrant your attention · my native land is spontaneously combusting @ the rate of one human being per minute; hardly very joyous; i have love in my heart, after a fashion - not the giddy euphoria you see my expat cohort forcing out its pores in transparent denial of its existential isolation bandaged by ebullient  camaraderie reserved for drunken compadres at dice games gone bad in East L.A.; what could go wrong¿ We even have the most recent experience of year 2020 to help us parse an answer to that complex question, why would we then ignore such vivid events? I’m only guessing, but for myself when i deny the obvious, it is based on some conceit i’ve conjured in the deepest recesses of my shame to protect what is often obvious to everyone but me. “You can run, but you cannot hide” - A. Nonymous. 

“Christmas Spirit” by Julia Lee is playing, i am sitting in a large empty upstairs room at Dingo-Deli happy as a pig in mud, and i do not know where i will be living next month. I’ve given up trying to understand the variegated emotions of my life as though some regime or wisdom might lend constancy to an essentially dynamic state of flux that so closely tracks with our physical universe - bombarded by quarks, memes and neutrinos · how is it possible we as such a seemingly cogent creature have taken to marking our passing with tombstones and testimony rather than the immediacy of “i love you”¿ that is a question? Chewing on this writing i considered the immediacy of “greed” and the very real need for an easily accessible anodyne; don’t i feel a lot like the young Dutch lad with his finger in the dyke surrounded by images of “fatted calves” and outsized egos demanding a place in the advertising sunset.

The only universe left for me to conquer is the one within my own skin, and Madame Paradox has arranged the timing of that personal revelation to coincide with the incremental demise of my warrior spirit by death from a “1,000 cuts,” mostly at my own hand. At least i will have been allowed to leave this “vallis lacrimarum” laughing. The weather is changing and one can almost feel the heat haunting the land, like fingers from some gaseous leak looking for a match. I would like to say that condition is not a result of my design and therefore absolve myself, but that is the conceit of every human who buys any single use plastic container and attributes it to “plague fatigue.” A little like my whinging about all the poor companion choices i’ve made each time some pretty dame sparks my receding tinder, and i say to her, but “_______fill in the blank”

I envy the discipline of those fierce souls who have interjected useful conflict into the placid waters of an occupied species fighting specters it has been socialized since birth to disavow as irrational, but not too much. I have found combatting my own ghosts is war enough. However the blood lust of victory has eluded me in this mortal combat for the soul of a species armed only with my gimpy psyche and goofy vision. Interestingly what my defects seemed to have afforded me are allies that others have ignored, marginalized and/or devalued for the apparent lack of return. My allies are the armies of survivors who know how to make something out of nothing, including meaning and purpose of our uncertain future based on the  simple logic that their connection will be the first to be yanked when shit hits the fan.

One would hope, when it gets to the dregs of a day like this there would be some nugget of value - what i find is the gist of why T.S. Elliot said “this is the way the world ends / not with a bang, but a whimper.” I have cake in front of me full with sugar that scares the shit out of my ravaged anatomy, and the end of a modest toast between me, myself and I. Good company but not the sort of fractious frolic i sort of recall from happier days. Is it that my memory is being fortified by age and experience and the empty places i once filled with wish and fabricated fun, but now can only write down candidly with the aid of death sitting at my shoulder¿ is it true that our best friend is found in the end after all illusion has been burnt clean off from delusion and all that is left to us will be the simple love we have managed to nurture within our own experience? I don’t know, but i do know until i befriend myself as well as i do anyone i meet there is little hope of finding anyone with as loving a heart as i can foster within my fragile frame.

peace out people

jts 25/12/2020 

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

221220/231220724/241220 - Extinction Chronicles ·


Paid the last rent for where i live and it was returned to me as deposit the next instant, minus the Wifi and water bill. Now i sit in an existential no-man’s-land between the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the dawning of the age of Aquarius, xmas and the much anticipated changing of the guard, with #45 getting passed over for promotion by Barack’s faithful sidekick, Joe from Kokomo. What hasn’t changed is the reigns of power of the perfidy of a seemingly invulnerable corporate hegemony protected by electrical pulses of a v+/- 5v tether attached to nearly every human wrist on the planet, one way or the other, “The Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall” - Bob Marley · These corporate goons are so fucking lazy they can’t even attend to the business at hand and so have developed a George Jetson 'gofor' in the guise of AI (Artificial Intelligence), which if it’s any thing like their “artificial cheese,” ain’t shit.

And sadly much like the avowed grandiose purpose of this chronicle of extinction to burrow into the core of our civilized delusions about surviving, i keep returning to my own preoccupation with those motes i find in the eyes of others, but shy from the deepest motes of  my own behavior. I see those fuckers more clearly with each passing day, but balk at exposing myself to the facile criticism which others wish to gild onto my abundant flaws - when i need your help, i’ll beat it out of you .  .. Some sentences back i broke; into the chronicle of some days ago, for it is now xmas eve day(i think), which in former periods of my life was fraught with much spiritual confusion - (like yesterday) · kidding, sort of. The profound sadness of yesterday was much deeper than the occurrence of another hokum holiday; it was a melange of changing domiciles and parting ways with loving, and unloving friends - even at my advanced age, i’m not always sure which is which; but then i can’t say for sure how many fingers you’re holding up 3 feet away.

When i was 19 year’s old i seized employment in a Veterinary Hospital in NYC - it was heaven, though amongst other things i was tasked with carrying the carcasses of euthanized big dogs to the waiting, well-rewarded garbage truck under the watchful gaze of the vet - a kindly, however flinty soul. I augmented this nominal income, as a scholarship custodian at the Art Students League of NYC which paid my tuition to the school - like i said, it was heaven, until a model from the school, Esther Organik, the first lesbian model to break my heart convinced me my prospects for creative growth were greater driving Horse Cabs in Central Park; so i then persuaded Pierre of Pierre’s Falafel to pay me scratch for preparing Falafel Sandwiches out of the back of his Subaru Pickup in front of Hunter’s College while i interned for the Hansom Cab driver until my hack license arrived. It was during this internship when Pierre’s son handed me a copy of Frank Herbert’s “Dune” and said “read this.” As an adherent of “Lord of the Rings” marking every unobserved wall with the elf rune “G” for Gandalf, i was hooked on “Dune” within pages.

55 years later in my soggy solitary existential surrender under the covers on the 23rd, “no name day”  - a stellar David Lynch version of that book came up on youtube, and i was enthralled · taken back to all the spiritual coincidences the author anticipated about the world we live in, and must yet find a way to prevail. The movie experience bolstered me in ways that i couldn’t have sought out through company, through affiliation, substance or family consolation. It was the idea of decency over decadence no different than the $600 insult of a bone the ruling class has tossed to my struggling brethren - it may well have read, ‘let them eat cake’. The difference is that the fiction of “Dune” was produced when it was still allowed for the victors to be worthy, rather than just “stinking fucking rich.” Searching now the “master” googol index for the letters “P K author” the ruling class robot refused to return a logical answer for P.K. Dick author - 1,2,3, levels deep, though i used a practical limiter “words.” Could that have anything to do with the quote i was looking for? “The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use those words.” - PK Dick

Today is xmas eve day - i’d have sworn that occurred yesterday · and so woke up thinking it was xmas morning. there is a great deal unsettled in my life, having given notice the day before yesterday that i would be leaving my home of the past 6 months, only to feel strongly unwelcome in the room i’d determined could as Lao Tzu recommends a domicile to be, “suitable.” The rain has relented, such that i could actually ride - that helped, but still i live in a house that is dank (think sponge walls); i have learned i do not enjoy dank. But when i tried to arrange keys to move, i was asked to make an appointment to discuss the terms; and once again the fault is my own. I’ve also found i need to live somewhere in which communication with the property owner is more direct and less convoluted (something which may not happen in this, the other land of the “inscrutables”).  I would rather live tenuously in the shell of a house of an older wiser design with the possibility of slow renovation than in the model of modern living propagated by the voracious avarice that is being “socially engineered” by the oh-so-hooked-up cheese @ fb whose dubious ethos contributed to the commutation of corporate murderer’s sentences by a gangster calling himself the “leader of the free world. Sadly, i fear my ‘slow-growth’ thinking stymies the quick profit conceits of the up-and-coming-however-myopic bourgeoisie. all power to the people 

jts 22/12/2020,23/12/2020,24/12/2020 th

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

211220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Last night in my clean sheets and relative sobriety of deep sleep i was woken at intervals by my beckoning bladder and the tumult from an upended plastic canister just outside my ajar window and its incumbent invitation to the mosquito hordes from the relentless rain of weeks.  I sealed the window jam with the spoon wedge that rendered the room relatively weather tight and while not moisture-proofing my sheets from my nocturnal anxiety fueled night sweats quieted my rest to a deep sleep. This morning the rain kept apace and my well intentioned last rent payment took hind-tit to the interrupted Louis L’Amour story part II i left in abeyance the night before. 3 days without a bicycle circuit renders me reckless and lackadaisical - but at peace. A long chat with a stranded kindred spirit from my youth opened access to comfort for a yearning Spaniard Doyenne Bruja from a previous domicile processing much loss of her own. A full day that i will recall for many moons because it will be amongst the last i know from where i sit.

Nor is that meant as lament, but welcome for what i know not about what comes next. I cut off the heat of my cooking meal to preserve nutrition and have made arrangements to “smudge” my being from this house hoping that action will somehow rectify and unwind karma i do not understand about where i live. Nor is this bizarre ritual unique to this home as much as a linear acceptance of my particular pathology, or embrace of my uniquely loving arc, depending on where one stands in the equation. The tumult outside my bedroom window into the laundry room continued as i prepared this day’s writings and became only more fractious and urgent. I was left with no choice but to confront my waking anxiety, peaceably informed by anomalous gnawing on a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar, i’d only seen once before on a bootleg bottle of Rice Wine.

When i stilled my internal beast to face the rat i knew to be there in the corner, trapped under some unintended plastic container, i picked up the plastic peanut butter container and realized this poor fuck, a kindred spirit shared a voracious appetite for peanut butter and rice wine and had been trapped in our shared rain-soaked cell without nutrition for days, possibly weeks. Compassion is in fact a verb, and my surprise will hopefully illumine my own path down the dark valley we all face to the future; however this intrepid little fuck gnawing through a closed peanut butter canister for its remnants just nailed home for me the commonality we all face - abundance encased by plastic · tell me metaphor is not magic and we are not the dumbest of creatures in the batch.

What is left to me is to sort through the available repertoire of behaviors that are perfectly normal to my history, from lecher to saint, teacher to student - individual to indefinite. Or is it even up to me to determine. If it is simply a case of surrendering to the will of the universe and to as has been said countless times elsewhere “go with the flow,” what of my preoccupation with purpose and decision beaten into me by my willful but loving parents¿ what of my baser instincts that the “higher vibration” proscribes but which seems to lend little material, spiritual or emotional support¿ much less the ephemeral god of synchronicity that the intellectuals bandy about, but die with its secrets on their lips? 

I cannot see forward, however much i have been groomed for reading trajectory out of nothing more than a cycloptic catch of a falling baseball too far away and distorted to understand its launch much less catch it in the webbed pocket of my coveted “Spaulding” glove. It wasn’t until much later using the mechanical artifice of a “slow pitch” batting cage in one of the more paradoxical periods of my life that i was able to apply my encyclopedic understanding of baseball physics to learn that there were few places within that “cage” i could not place the more visible slower soft ball where i chose. It was amongst the happier times in my life, no matter how many games our team “Ma’s Marauders” of Ma Spring ‘em Bail Bonds fame lost 

jts 21/12/2020 th

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Monday, December 21, 2020

201220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

Cheerfulness is our friend - that and curiosity · yet we are besieged by cautionary tales about strangers and what kills cats. Right now it is raining still - a cold rain for the land i live in and i’am curious about my neighbors, my landlords, friends and enemies alike for a flood is not inconceivable here at this turn in the existential road. Yet i am comfortable, sipping a cocktail and cooking entirely outside the realm of any sophisticated palette i’m aware of. For example: my cocktail is: one part, strong red wine; two parts marijuana tea and turmeric infused with black pepper and Hibiscus; a splash of rice wine, and a dash of whiskey. My renegade skillet is simmering: olive oil, turmeric powder, diced ginger, salt/pepper, onion, white potato, garlic, thai chili, tomato and a 1/2, half can kidney beans and fresh purple cabbage crown - i contend it will be more sumptuous than your meal tonight, and yet i eat alone · go figure.

Shortly i will be without a kitchen and will again conjure out of thin air someplace near my new door to mix nutrients in minimal time with supervision enough to maintain the temperature and moisture necessary to meld food value without being retentive about it or singe the tender vegetable bolus rendering it less helpful to the “carbon chain.” I laugh sort of because my bare feet are sitting in an empty beer box to keep the abnormal cold of the marble floor from riding up my spine. This while racing the cooling skillet of my maybe tasty, maybe metallic tasting melange of stir fry against the remaining 3 paragraphs i still hew to for legitimacy at a time in our collective history where the known plastic polluters: Coca-Cola, Pepsi and NestlĂ© continue to demand ever increasing petrol poison to manufacture the only thing they market - plastic bottles · (it was metallic tasting and a sprinkle of the tiny dried fish one can find in every part of the world rescued my meal and my culinary confidence) ain't life grand.

"They" commit their ecological genocide in broad daylight with the full support of every regime on the planet: Democratic, Muslim, Fascist, Communist, Christian and Socialist; et al. Yet people continue to buy the organic, filtered, non-sweetened, re-bottled, hipster doofus, capitalist- wannabe-intern-entrepreneur version of this farm system for dumping micro-plastic into our already devastated anatomy. And people buy the shit, ‘cause they see it on their screens, on the side of cabs, in the newspapers that still exist, as well as hear it from their barbers and hair-dressers; “Coke the drink that refreshes. Fuck yes, you’re gonna drink that shit - it’s 45 degrees Celsius in the shade and you just read on your nephew’s telephone, it’ll be 10 degrees hotter tomorrow.

The same room where i sit now with my feet in a cardboard box to keep the dank cold from rising up my spinal column was intolerable 6 months ago without the fan on. It took an 2 hours to cool off from a morning ride such that the sweat would stop pouring from my pores, this after a gentle ride - a ride in which you could not pass laborers working, and if you possessed an ounce of compassion could not pass without praying for them and their families. The same families who may have to paddle across estuaries to bring what leafy greens were left in the continued aftermath of the last typhoon. This world could be a garden of remarkable ease and abundance and many are aware of that but have hidden the repercussions of burnt fossil fuel and its danger to the atmosphere.

Why¿ why would anyone who has half a brain and some portion of heart allow the world to be savaged for a nominal increase in profits? My meal is growing cold and i grow sadder for lack of years left to rectify and battle such nonsense, but remain smart enough that without kindness to my own existence and to those around me, nothing is going to change. So daily i execute this ritual of evaluating my logic against a puerile inclination to whine and shirk my own reckoning. I like to smoke and drink, fuck and cuss - i'm not easy to get next to and once gone you live forever in my memory - and Presto Chango · it is "The Age of Aquarius," lucky us .

jts 20/12/2020 th

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

191220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

I had vivid dreams last night involving violence, jealousy and growth. They were old wounds that contained symbols of Oedipus, autonomy and personal responsibility for the role of angry feelings and their relationship to fraternity and respect. When i woke i was not disconcerted and welcomed the communion with self. It was not difficult to detach actual life characters from their dream avatars and to understand them as aspects of my internal terrain. My 1st marriage ended within a month and involved directly and indirectly breaking the 5th metacarpal in opposite hands within 6 months of each other, as well as 60 stitches in my right forearm, missing the ulnar nerve by millimeters; i was 23 year’s old. In the dream i hit a wall and was shouting angrily; this dream event is much different from when i broke my 1st hand that year - i was not yelling and likely should have been; what else was missing from the dream was any sense of the guilt and shame i have carried these many years, as though somehow forgiven for strong feelings i had then as now, but carry much differently today.

The 2nd part of the dream involved members of my younger cohort who have in real life exchanges challenged my sense of reciprocal warm regard - a quality of my character i cherish, and find more and more not to be something one can expect, regardless of decent intention or worthwhile behavior. I did not easily fall back to sleep early, not from fitful resentment and frustration - more a sense of surprise, like unexpectedly meeting an old friend with whom you share a complicated history. I belabor this event because it is the most useful grist for this writing mill i know of. There is little in front of me but death and i would like to be more conversant with an interior that has confused me almost as much as it apparently shocks those i encounter. More to the point i feel liberated from an unconscious dynamic that seems to have reined over repeated patterns of outcomes i tend to judge too harshly, or explore too timidly - like there’s anybody else who gives a fuck why i do what i do¿?

As much as any of all that, i wish possession again of the joy and curiosity i remember as integral to my being before socialization began ascribing valence to things about myself i hadn’t yet understood, much less learned to appreciate. Some of it has to do with the abandon that comes from being a little crazy - like aren’t we all, or wished we could be · As a man-child, i believed things wholly and completely by faith from very early on. The charming quirk delighted my elder siblings when hunting Snipe, for i would sit for hours convinced that their periodic squeals of encouragement meant that “We,” were getting closer to our objective. Even after, i got wise to the game of Snipe hunting i somehow held faith there was a “We,” which ultimately proved to be a mythical domain solely within my tender devoted heart - a domain i mean to protect to my dying day.

Even if i remain the solitary citizen of that romantic principality of “We” - a habitat it would seem is no longer romantic, but integral to the survival of our species. What’s changed is the nature of the Snipe hunt, now transformed into what Noam Chomsky describes as a “limited spectrum of acceptable opinion” within which the ruling class encourages lively debate. I am physically a dual-eyed cyclops and "acceptable" anything is to me an anathema, mostly because orienting visually to do anything in my life has required a very “open” interpretation of acceptable with a concomitant tolerance for unacceptable - however counter-intuitive that might sound · it is even more so for me when i learn from my closest confidants that i tend to be “rigid.”

It is for this and many other reasons, i pursue this open-hearted writing ritual, however unorthodox, for self-examination - there is seemingly no other venue for a balanced estimation of aberrant behavior that comes from caring little about positions others take concerning my: appearance, opinions, strategies, worth or ______fill in the blank. The paradox is that i’m coming to understand the accuracy of Eleanor Roosevelt’s observation about worrying what others think about you - “they don’t think about you as much as you think they do.” I think about others as much as i can without intruding in their lives with my projections and assumptions, and have to stifle my yearning to feel cared for, or more accurately cultivate that skill of self-awareness which results in contentment about one’s fate - whatever that may mean within the wide open array of choices each of us makes from the moment we draw our first breath to the moment we take our last. 

jts 19/12/2020 

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Friday, December 18, 2020

181220 - Extinction Chronicles ·

I’ve learned one thing - it is dicey trying to keep a calendar count using a literary chronicle, shit tends to get fungible; especially when you employ a “trance-state” to stay out of reach of the master, Ego. I’m pretty sure it’s Friday 18 December 2020, not because i read it on googol, but because my rent is due on the 19th and no one has come banging on my door. Still and all, there are worse places to be on the planet than a ‘hard bitten’, loving land of rice farmers and merchants trying to live up to a 600 year old tradition of their city - Hoi An Pho (friendly meeting place) · shortened for a time to Faifo, by meddlesome foreigners such as myself, a act similar in many ways to how the German Artist Walter Spies created the lucrative Kecuck Dance to popularize the ‘newly discovered’ destination of Bali by a well meaning however myopic double whammy of the intrepid hipster doofuses of their day, Charlie Chaplin and Margaret Mead, et al.

Laugh if you must, but a delicate Oaxaqueno culture was as destroyed by a similarly well-intentioned bank executive R. Gordon Wasson, amateur mycologist whose betrayal of “silence” - that Donna Sabina requested of him for sharing her medicinal knowledge which resulted in the “Rolling Stones” 60s enlightenment hungry entourage converging on her village, the villagers then burnt her house down and killed her son. We are a fragile lot and require care and consideration to survive, not the survival of the species paradigm or "herd immunity" of those free of the fray propose will yield a more rugged and viable species. It is this ignorant thinking that ensconced itself in the mind of a man out of his depth, #45 buying into tired eugenics bullshit that even the brain of Nikoli Tesla subscribed to proving only that brains are not all “that.”

If, we as a species cannot see the universe in a blade of grass, much less the value to all that a tear in the eye of a child represents - why fucking upload dreck loaded by some silicon apparatus to perpetuate more misery in a universe full of collision, calamity and grief. We humans have been afforded a unique blue green orb that defies description such that we cannot, or will not even express the delicate tenderness of our feelings about that gift much less try and teach the young to see it deeper - with the exception of the indigenous people being trampled under the hoof of civilization’s hubris and conceit that it possesses superior awareness defined by an arbitrary value attached to some symbolic place holder, now morphing into digital tic marks and merit based spirituality based on what is imagined rather than the pristine clarity of a mountain stream at the end of a long hike.

Now, we bank on wisdom programed into an LED matrix by pre-pubescent billionaires clutching the next rung on the only elevation they’ve been allowed to conceive of by the corporate overlords manipulating language such that as George Orwell so well anticipated, ruling class prevarication in support of cowardice, and stated simply in a too-soon-to-be-non-fiction of an emerging world, “War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” I’m no literary giant, not because i was denied access to the Phd program at the two schools which i applied - UCLA & USC · but because i do not relentlessly believe in the need of education to write my ideas down using faith and logic. I am lucky to be possessed of a paradoxically thick skin comprised of the tenderness of butterfly wings and the hide of the not-yet-dead-last Rhinoceros. Not sure i understand exactly why i survived, but suspect it is because most of what is left of my mortal coil is scar tissue from an infant child that just can't seem to stop crying.

So now i drink, you might even say “cryin’ in my beer” or the ever popular fascist dog whistle of the Neo-Liberal ad copy managers, just another “inveterate Snow Flake.” I am little better as a failed itinerant stone-cutter, than my grandfather the "Blue Dog Democrat" itinerant miner who was honored for his explosive expertise (true story) with setting off the inaugural blast of what remains a “weapons dump” in Hawthorne, Nevada, the day my mother was born 19 July 1928. Shit lasts long, and there is no reason to believe the commitment you make to love and freedom cannot be as long-lived as the lives of those miserable speculators who leaped out of NYC ’skyscrapers’ just because the old money of 1929 kept the rigged aspect of market loss to themselves and let the chumps vacate their stake, just as that same class of blowhards believed it worked so well the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time hijacking "the Economy"; let me ask "why not just steal the whole shebang if the herd is gonna be that fucking ‘tupid" ¿? that’s a question, or an observation depending on your take.

jts 18/12/2020 

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