“Divide and Conquer” is more than a one-horse hick town nestled in between the celebrity dude ranches of the rich and famous somewhere in the backroads of Montana - it is also the mail drop for Steve Banoon’s personal slush fund “i’ll build the wall you stupid motherfucker’s, but you’ll pay for it”·
Welcome to the end days, or depending on where you stand - the beginning of history · Naturally i’m disposed to believe the latter, for it is more practical and eventually more cost effective. Having bought back my life from the pawn shop where my parents hocked me at birth, i value you my agency highly. I have no debt and the most difficult financial decisions i face are how to support as many entrepreneurial spirits i can find without their knowledge. I prefer the sustainable business people to the old school gold diggers looking for a strike so they can sit at the “grownup’s table” and act the “big shot;” I don’t do well with big shots, or wannabe big shots, not because they are more vile than the rest of us, but because they are often too stupid to be trusted with money. Anyone who can walk upright and earn more than they need, who then wants to use that surplus to lord-it-over others who have not managed that evolutionary milestone strikes me as too emotionally tangled up in their ego to effectively use their mind.
But that’s just me; i used to try and explain my thinking to others hoping to gather an army of like-minded lovers to shine light into a dark world, only to realize it is all i can do to keep my own candle lit such that i might better see where it is i am going to fall into my demise. Not that that matters, but i do favor cogency to oblivion as a state of mind - conscious, or unconscious. Of the many advantages cogent thought reveals is the benefit of fun; with all the current focus on social distancing, the deep state and who’s blowing who between donny and vladimir - it’s hard to keep in mind the real reason for our existence on this moist orb suspended in the midst of more dark matter than our pea-brains can process, is to be happy, to have fun, to enjoy each other’s company. Truly, if you are not cheerful, you are pretty much waisting your breath. I’m not talking about the fake giggly horse shit you find on the reels of “studio mother’s” schlepping their children’s future from studio to studio, but the kind of joy when you realize how beautiful the woman you are looking at really is deep down inside.
Or the kind of joy one finds in watching a puppy dog wake up, or the look on a sibling’s face when they smell the skull of an infant brother or sister for the first time. Our world is full to the rafters with ineluctable delights to which we have blinded ourselves. Even the act of raising one’s consciousness has been co-opted by the a content starved media monster who used to be called Frankenstein, but now uses the alias, AI (artificial intelligence). You can googol WAF and find it’s corporate meaning is “woke as fuck” without ever having woken up. That’s a neat trick. PK Dick says ‘if you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them’. Having lived on 4 continents in the past 5 years, or vice-versa, where my native tongue was never the dominant language, it has became very important to 1) learn the alphabet of body language 2) rely far less on what i can say, compared to what i can hear, and 3) pay careful attention to who speaks with you and who speaks at you, especially if they are communicating in your native tongue.
I have not abandoned my original mission to leave the world better than i found it, but Bob Dylan pointed out well that you can try and help someone and end up making things a 1,000 times worse. I think taking the long view at this turn is most helpful; raise your hands if you are aware that somewhere on the planet there is a cohort working assiduously to fabricate a 10,000 year clock? Don’t ask me to what end, i just asked if you were aware. In one of my incarnations i worked somewhere where very smart people were fabricating a “frequency standard” meaning the variation in the measurement of time became almost indiscernible, again don’t ask me why they would be wasting their time like that when they could have been searching for the end of war, or the difference between men and women. This is part of the problem - our priorities are out of whack. Communication is crucial for understanding, and i am just now learning after close to 66 years alive that listening is much more fun than speaking.
Ironically i don’t get much feedback on this channel; at an earlier age i’d interpret that to mean what i am saying is unimportant or not interesting, but compared to some of the tripe i sample on this “information super-highway,” i’m proud to present my take on things. So then i have to ask myself wether it is a level playing field - is the language i use and the questions i ask useful to any reader. In social settings i find my disregard for “things” normal can be very off-putting to most, but i consider “normal” a fraud intended to exalt mediocrity aimed at the lingua franca of the public domain. Human beings to my thinking are remarkable in every way, including their frightened capitulation to an effete ruling class which has for the past 500 years demonstrated more than adequately its lack of fitness or worth for respect of any kind. The furthest thing from the speech of today is nobility, yet it is the those minions who are most maligned by "conventional wisdom" who deserve our gratitude and solidarity - the Palestinians of every democratic construct, the Black, the Indigenous, Women, Children and Old People who are trampled by the corporations, not because these demographics are not the backbone of our world, but because those who would claim to be the representatives of those same cohorts are in actuality greedy little cowards looking to prey on what appears to be the weakest link in the human chain - in my humble opinion · please prove me wrong.
jts 24/08/2020he http://stoanartst.blogspot.com
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved