I’d be lying through my teeth to say i did not become an artist for fortune and fame; i’d be as equally dishonest to not say that pursuit has revealed more to me about the world than i will ever be able to express competently regardless of whatever virtuosity i might dredge up from the depths of my soul - talk about being humbled (lord g_d above, were it that simple) · Circumstances placed me in England just after my 17th birthday, alone, and it was a great lark. I lodged in the home of a retired U.S. Army Sargent Major and his English wife in the city of Hastings a few miles from the city of Rye where the “Bastard” William captured England and made compacts with his English allies which limited the “divine right of kings” and became the basis for the Magna Carta - the foundation of modern “common law.” This agreement concerning the rights of men was enough to get our species through almost two millennium of relative peace until the “industrial revolution” upended scale such that supply has exceeded demand for the past 200 years and like the “Boxer Rebellion” to protect the Chinese market from imperialist aggression the ruling class brought in number 45 who has ruled over the “Covid-19 Massacre of 2020,” also in support of open markets.
I can tell you as an artist, the markets are not open, and just like the hoards of “hood hoopers” dreaming of their shot at the NBA - i’d be pissin’ in the wind to think otherwise about my place at the Guggenheim - lucky me. Poverty and obscurity are ideal environments to nurture creativity of spirit. Our world is now faced with an Artificial Intelligence appetite for all things human, including what Einstein described as the impenetrable - G_d herself. But leave it to the hubris of modern day “thinkers” absorbed in their world of ones and zeroes, which like all engineering master plans hews to the axiom, “the last thing to fix on any project is blame.” - A. Nonymous · So we now have a cobbled together “world of the internet” that lacks a soul, and adheres to an axiomatic truth of computer engineering, “Garbage In, Garbage Out” - (GIGO) · Yet we as end users are too enamored of the flashing lights and shiny baubles, similar to the 1st Nation tribe on Manhattan when it really was the big apple, we will buy anything - in our case as long as it can be found on amazon; never mind that what used to be the Amazon is now reduced to a few acres bordering the rice fields that are being transplanted from South East Asia because they are such wonderful draws for HNWI and the latest rage in their bloated portfolios - portable villas.
I understand from good sources that instead of houseboats, the smart money is building floating villas that can be towed anywhere in the world and set in place where estuaries require constant dredging due to torrential rainfall and lack of vegetation sufficient to support marsh lands; From a googol model for optimum Real Estate value, the excess funds from defaulted mortgages now create faux reed skirts around the innovative floating villas which gives them the added esthetic appeal of an organic tutu - very popular with the Russian Oligarchs, especially during the festive Noel Season. Rather than big box shopping center "anchors," to accommodate consumer demand for the caretakers of these flotillas of the Uber-rich, Floating consumer circuses like feeder fish for whales have developed their own maritime communities, each one tailored to an appropriate region with floating tent cities to accommodate, for example, Hanukkah which can then easily be transformed into prayer tents appropriate for Ramadan. The magic of these synergistic niche market enterprises, is like the armies of old they require an in-place support entourage that by their very nature are multicultural and like most “wage slaves economies” are fat with disposable income. IPSO facto - sustainable capitalism.
These floating leviathans are no longer yoked to the temporal effects of pollution, war or political unrest and simply up-anchor with their portable encampments and move from quiet patch of earth to quiet patch of earth heedless of the wrack and ruin anarchistic capitalism has left in its wake; de-coupled from any responsibility to those whose lives their excavation of clean water, and disturbance of the delicate conditions which foster attractive temperate climates, they all the while gorge on capital infusions of gold, potable water, and the universal resource which 22 caliber shells provide. However, after the collapse of the NWO, googol's chief scientist Herr Kurzwell found it necessary to program a buffer into AI for the complexities of uploading of the “.01%” mental deficiencies which required an unforeseen additional 15 minutes he hadn’t calculated into the Singularity Countdown. Rest assured world, things are moving along according to the googol post-post-pandemic human-intellect-upload scenario with just a few minor glitches. Due to a spike in deaths at googol campuses from an unexpected resistance to masks related to rogue units within the white supremacist cells of the middle manager cohort, unexpected revenue streams from betting pools on the number of deaths from the custodial pool had to be diverted to refrigeration units for the “essential essentials” vaccinations of higher level managers in line for cerebral upload to the mother ship - Mama Singularity ·
Storm Troopers disguised as homeless intruders are now in place at staging areas of the “ain’t never gonna happen” Inauguration of Joseph the “Thief” Biden; the elite shock troops of Erik Prince’s Blackstone Army, all seasoned, and rested from their successful campaigns in the Portlandia Wars have created alternate channels for internet traffic of real news from @TheRealD_rump Channel can be found @ “1 Kremlin Place, Moscow, Russia.” If you are still reading this i suggest you immediately download your entire hard disc and toss your xptr platform out the window because you have 17 seconds before your motherboard melts and melds with gasses from your delaminating monitor to create a 6th generation Zylon-z gas courtesy of Bayer, nee Monsanto. The bad news is you will never have to worry about retirement, you are now wheezing to your doom; the good news is your grandchildren will never have to worry about apocalypse because all life is scheduled to cease 3 days after the singularity, scheduled for 13 March 2021 - i am paraphrasing all of the foregoing from purloined galleys of Kurzwell’s next book, “How to fuck an entire species without ever pulling out your dick.” found under the pseudonym I. Dont Haveone
jts 08/12/2020
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