“Thunder on the Mountain” is a lot of fun - musically · a little messier when it hits the streets, with respect and love i close my doors and windows when i turn the volume up. Not sure if i will ever lose that deference to the comfort of others, not sure i want to. It would seem the universe has other ideas and what i have to say is necessary and important, if to no one else but myself. There’s a paradox - a universe of one · I do not understand how else to communicate; i can observe as all the sage wisdom of the internet advocates, but even so, what i see is merely fantasy about what another experiences; and in those infrequent conversations when someone shares openly and honestly what they feel - that still gets filtered through my own limited ability to understand and convey what someone else feels. Literature and Journalism attempts to reconcile this missing link by protocols and admonitions about quotes and attribution, but in the end it is always one interpreting another if you are not speaking in the 1st person.
Is that to say i can only understand what it is i think and feel¿ or that we are doomed to the envelope of isolation defined by skin? To a large extent, yes; for so much of your understanding of me and what i say depends entirely on how honest i am able to be about what i share - admittedly · that is not very. Still i try, for the more open i can be with you, almost directly correlates to how honest i am able to be with myself, there’s a fucking scary thought. While on the other side of the chasm is reflected a listener who may be very similar to myself, with great difficulty about hearing clearly and openly the expression of another without overlaying ideas i may be experiencing while listening. I don’t think my experience is all that much different than many who read this while thinking about: washing their hands, the insult at the checkout counter, the disappointment with the job interview or the plucked daisy that answered, “she loves me.”
Our minds are aflame with all that is around us and barely able anymore to hear the quiet murmur of our own souls - i don’t like it and relish each second i spend here with you searching for the sound of our own voices. My voice is tired and afraid, but not. The more i try to imagine the empty space we share between us and how it is that i cannot clearly hear you as i am learning to hear myself is a puzzle. I try to resolve that confusion by absorbing myself in detective dramas, because i feel that “high” literature is part of the problem. George Orwell sacrificed the last of his mortal strength alone in a solitary state plumbing his fears about our futures which ultimately became a roadmap for unscrupulous sociopaths devoid of imagination using his loving caution to maim the human spirit; i don’t think i’m wrong about this suspicion and so posit - if you are scoundrels who bottom feed the fears of the human experience for leverage · know that you can run, but you cannot hide.
There is no such thing as deception, for every dodge you make to cover your tracks leaves a trail for anyone in the crowd to see. It’s like watching the little nazi with the hammer breaking windows to provoke greater mayhem and was found out by the lone stalwart witness who simply confronted him asking “what the fuck are you doing?” The corporate goons are lazy sots who have achieved what they believe to be impenetrable positions of power and strength tormenting all those that their running dogs reveal to them using the corrupted power of technology. Think of this, because it is very likely nothing you have ever encountered, but the reason one does not carry a knife in the streets is because it is as easily taken away and used against you as it is protection from the unknown. The only protection from the unknown is correct behavior, which i am sorry to tell you at this late date is something about which you have no concept.
You who believe yourselves in complete control of the field of battle don’t even know what it is you are fighting - the only thing you can conceive it would seem is control, a state of existence that has never existed and never will · so good luck with that, meanwhile on planet earth and her yet untapped power to stymie the megalomaniacal dreams you believe your fictional wealth represents, i will continue to spotlight the simple fact that you and yours are naked, and always have been. Remember while you plan your retribution though the abuse you have heaped on those same running dogs you will be relying on to cover your ass - i think we’ve all seen the how strong the thread of loyalty is with those who bank on hatred and fear when faced with loving solidarity for a happy existence. You will always be welcome once you have come to your senses and have accepted the fatal flaw in your logic - we all die, some happier than others · ta ta . .. ···
jts 27/08/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved