So how does it feel knowing, but not really understanding why, you and your family are very likely to be numbered amongst the last few generations of our species? I used to be galled by the thought; maddened, murderous even, and then i realized that was helping no one, least of all myself. It’s helpful for you to know i am of a cohort that when young and in school routinely held air raid drills where we as a group would drop below our desktops and bury our heads between our knees in preparation for “anonymous incineration.” Apparently this drill was so effective at instilling fear in an entire generation, it was arranged that “deranged gunmen” would replace the too vague a threat of nuclear holocaust - what does that even mean¿ like “climate change,” why the fuck would i care about that? Yet for those who have harnessed the remarkable brainpan of our anatomy to suss logical sequences of events and to peer into the ever increasing reams of data available to our world, it is pretty clear we are fucked.
And not - our kind has been dodging superior forces from the first time we witnessed a Dingo run off with one of our babies, yet i’d bet my life savings that it was much harder for that same pack to steal another child from us · what has changed, how have we become such easy marks for predatory behavior¿ that is a question? When exactly did we abandon a unified and cooperative front to those aspects of our existence that threaten the very foundations of our happiness - our families¿ that is another question? The stories would have us believe we have always been at each other’s throat - even the kindly “song and dance” man Bob Dylan remarked in his elegy to the “Titanic” about our disloyalty to our brethren:
Brother rose up against brother
In every circumstance
They fought and slaughtered each other
In a deadly dance
Yet, much science argues to the contrary; that in fact we have survived as long and as successfully as we have due to our ability to coordinate and work cooperatively on behalf of the greater good - whatever the fuck that means · To hear Michael Douglas tell the tale in the movie “Wall Street,” ‘greed is good,” but like most of the elite in Hollywood, Michael Douglas is a politico parroting some party line, in this case, endorsing Micheal Bloomberg, the billionaire spoiler who bought his way into the current fake-as-fuck democratic caucus to determine who gets to pick the next “leader of the free world.” Those days are over where anyone in their right mind can adhere to a party who refuses the popular candidate simply because he did not sell his option to the capitalist class. Having sacrificed his candidacy to demonstrate a moral point, Bernie Sanders showed every honest conscious citizen in the United States of America exactly where they stood and who had abandoned them in the interest of “greed.”
Talk about your brass testicles; it’s enough to make me want move to Vermont and propagate the species with any dame that would have me; i know, not all that different from where i am at my age - but still · you get my drift. Had it been Michael Douglas, who i’m sure is a nice enough guy, in the tribe at the beginning of this essay who’d witnessed a baby getting dragged off by a Dingo, we may not have even made it out of the starting gate much less accomplished what the ruling class would have you believe has been their exclusive contribution to civilization. No, i’ve seen on too many job site injuries, witnessed too many collapsed marriages and known too much misery compassionately mended by loving hearts to believe anything but what Leonard Cohen stated so simply, “love is the only engine of survival.”
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead; she should know · together with Charlie Chaplin, they managed to desecrate the holy island of Bali in less than 3 generations, for as near i can tell, no better reason than “self-aggrandizement.” ‘Hey world look at me, see what i found! ain’t i cool?’ Though hardly the last and little different than the destruction wrought on the healing world of Maria Sabina by the fucking banker - Gordon Wasson, et al; maybe he thought he was absolving his sins by turning the world “on,” something he apparently couldn’t accomplish with money alone. Are we to stop attempting to grow, because sometimes our intended outcome is so destructive from what we thought, or do we continue to delve deeper into the mystery of dawn; to find why it is that puppy breath is so calming and provokes such care in our hearts or how an eyelash can gentle the most fierce heart and turn fury into loving tenderness for a baby yet to be born - i d k · you tell me, please.
jts 26/08/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved