What a scary time this must be for all - i am at times ashamed to include myself in the human species: 4:30 pm Viet Nam time, Quang Nam province in the midst of quelling a Covid-19 outbreak of questionable origin; my own home province Orange County, CA is under assault for the casting of ballots that might indicate who wants what from whom by a fascist corporate cabal, which has incidentally installed its fictional future in this same country it could not defeat by military means, so then resorted to the Neo-Liberal lingua franca · bucks for ballots. I am surrounded in my dying days by a “limp-wristed” cultural effete promulgating a boon for mankind based on nothing more than the yoke of greed - “if you can take it from him/her, it is because they didn’t value it enough to keep it from you first, WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT”, he said to no one listening.
There are memes on fb about “shit getting real” - the fact is, it has been getting real for a long time. The assault on the U.S. Postal system to steal a national election should be proof enough about the danger we as a species face from a bunch of corporate thugs, yet not. So i appeal to anyone within reading distance and free of conceit about their future at “the grownup’s table,” are you too stupid for blinkers or did you just walk into the paddock and let the dumb motherfuckers raping the planet blind you with some vacant promise of "future riches”¿ i understand, sort of, because it was the same con the pissant pukes used to send 58,000 of my kin to a death killing people with no more on their minds than feeding themselves and living free.
We, as the books might say, “have bigger fish to fry.” have you ever read a book that suggested your suffering was unnecessary and nearly entirely the result of some suspicious character in the shadows lacking testicles enough to say "it is 'I' who fucked your future and stole your grandparent’s bank account, but don’t look too closely because i am in the process of stealing your grandchildren’s future as well BTW it’s a really neat flick your paying me to watch - you better pay attention · you don’t want to miss anything important.” I, in the meantime have to ask myself whether this prose is aiding and abetting, or informing you of avenues of escape - lucky me ·
I’m not much better than those who’d enslave you, for i have little respect for your demonstrated capacity to distinguish the real from the illusion. Every penny you spend seeking distraction, confirmation or ownership in a system that has shown you no regard or respect says to me that you are too stupid to understand the pit you are in, much less have any ideas about helping our world to survive. So let me ask you this - if you were in my shoes, how would you go about encouraging a planetary uprising that might result in the survival of our species and a blossoming of reason in a world willing to starve infants, poison plants and induce free thinking of a population that has barely figured out how to reason much less grow¿ that is a question?
One of the advantages of being old - “i don’t really give a fuck what you think, but value highly the affects of my actions” · with what time is left to me which seems to be a more and more complicated equation with each wheeze; i revere the ability to do a good that i do not understand more than any conceit of contribution to which i cling. I cannot even say in what venue my thinking will be read, much less ascertain its usefulness - how much more vanity do you wish me to demonstrate¿ I accept that there are those with conceit enough to destroy a species, so i have little delusion to what ends the monsters in our midst will go to review and allot appropriate, _____ what’s the word i am looking for? “means” to gain their dubious ends - an end that cannot ever be accomplished for the sheer ignominy of its purpose, sort of like watching your neighbor slit his/her puppy’s throat without your objection - good luck · let me know how that works out for you - ya’ pissant fucks who do the murders and those who refuse to object ·
jts 14/08/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved