“do dum dum dum de do dum dum; do dum dum dum de do dum dum, do dum dum dum de do dum dum . ..” - Leonard Cohen (the secret of the ages) · Leonard don’t lie.
“There’s always a reason why someone’s life has been spared.” - Bob Dylan, & Bob don’t lie.
What are we doing if not for each other? I cannot think of a single instance in my life where the quality of my life has been enhanced ignoring the need of another. This is not to say that i have always been able to provide what another needs, or that my needs complete the purpose for another - but we are connected. Not in the back-channel gossipy way that phones enable cliques to try and define the nonconformist - that shit goes back to barnyard wisdom about how when once one chicken is bloodied, the rest go in for the kill; you can see that shit in any gang in Los Angeles, fierce battle-ready vatos armed and cold, ready to kill whomever the “mero mero deems kill worthy. The irony is getting the go-ahead from the shot-caller, always the shot-caller. These are a bunch of mama’s boys unable to stand upto “blood in, blood out” thinking that makes them men because they have been indoctrinated to believe the creed will protect their back, even after they have seen their homies murdered by a word from the “mero mero;” i’m talking about the Nelson Mandela kind of cajones that resists an entire regime alone and unprotected by anything but his integrity.
Where i live, a lone monk refused both sides of an international conflagration - siding with the population in favor of peace and personal growth, regardless of the political outcome · he was banished from his homeland, and only allowed back after many years. I commend both; he for his integrity and love, they who allowed his return for their wisdom and compassion. We as a species will not survive without an independent agency for the solitary individual. If we succumb to the ever popular “like” meter contrived by the Ad Men of the vanquished handful of capitalists currently holding an entire planet hostage to greed, there is no reason to continue the struggle. The beauty of our planet has been supplanted by conceit of consumer vanity wholly fabricated for no more than the “good life” of 2,000 people out of 7 billion - that my friends is stupid. I am no longer welcome in my family because i would not brooch injustice in the distribution of our commonweal. My siblings, who proclaim progressive values, seize more than is their fair share and wish to quiet my objection to their excessive greed - ergo i am “persona non-grata” and they are _______fill in the blank.
I thank them for their banishment, without which i would not be attempting to formulate logic worthy of the survival of species now - not that that is what you are reading, but at least i am trying and not sleepwalking myself into a sanctimonious demise convinced that what i have done is right, rather invite anyone with gumption enough to say to my face, “call me out.” I’m not hard to find, though i own no phone for i eschew surreptitious surveillance preferring to listen to those with balls or pussy enough to object directly to my face my admittedly seditious ambitions. We, our species, are on a trajectory toward self-destruction with nary a peep . .. let me rephrase that - there are mass protests to the authoritarian usurpation of a free people · what is missing is the determination of all to protect the sanctity of the individual. I favor solidarity with all my heart, but a solidarity that is based not on subscription to a cause, but one born of deep reflection on what it means to be alone and alive and a respect for that mystery.
“Any power must be an enemy of mankind which enslaves the individual by terror and force, whether it arises under the Fascist or the Communist flag. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.” - Albert Einstein
I just spent 45 minutes simply looking for an unexpurgated version of that quote, “the powers that be” have made sure it is not easily discoverable or transferrable - that is evil · by a company which had the hutzpah to, when a member of the human race, to state in a “not quite” mission statement · “do no evil.” (kurzwell, you a punk) and your punk puppy jaron lanier ain’t far behind - or i guess he’s really close to your behind · These are otherwise ordinary human beings who were given an opportunity to be great and opted for greed. There is no reason on g_d’s green earth why the above quote should not be easily rediscovered and propagated, unless some prissy executive with access to social upheaval computer models ordered her/his AI thug to bury the search criteria where no one could find it - laugh if you must · it’s good for your immune system.
I am old, i cannot carry the cart uphill and it looks like i will be censored from your newsfeed simply because what i say and the way i say it is unpalatable to the effete reigning over your doom. Know this, i have tried with all my might to be honest and open about what i see and what i believe is intentionally hidden from you - not because your are stupid or disinterested, but because you are not bold and are wounded from repeated betrayals by those you have loved and have tried to love. Do not give up the fight; you are powerful and that is why “they” spend so much energy and your money convincing you that you ain’t shit without them - that my lovely friends is a pile of bullshit. You do not need much to be happy and anyone that tries to convince you that you are useless without them is suspect and possibly dangerous to your wellbeing depending on how much LOVE you have learned to wield like a sword and how much of your useless ego has been sheared from your soul by the growth of your loving self.
jts 09/08/2020
reprinted with permission - all rights reserved